i wanna watch avatar... but i think there is no chance for me....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
i wanna watch avatar... but i think there is no chance for me....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Alor star
Alor Star nearly become my home le...
Cuz this semester i have back to Kelantan even once yet... haha
Thx ern for giving me stay her house again... make me feel home sweet home...^^
1st time to Telekom Tower...
2nd time
3rd time
Kuala Kedah Nice View, but the sun dont wait me for the photo...
Funny faces in Kuala Kedah...
Ern n me XOXO
happy birthday to me n vchin
my friends are celebrating me and vchin birthday together in *cafe Banglow* nice^^ thx a lot ya my friends... love u all cuz u all turn up to celebrate me n vc birthday...
waoo a wonderful delicous dinner... i miss the thai food a lots... ^^ yummy yummy...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Youth Entrepreneurship - Soft Skill course
To have a new product...
Joint all those things together to have a new product..
What product will be...?!
Tagged by Yen Ern 你问我答
2. 我的生日 : 11月29日
3. 誰傳給你的 :燕恩
4. 說出五個好朋友 : 很多。。。
5. 生日想要得到什麼禮物 : 一个能让我真正快乐的生日派队。。
6. 近期開心的是 :Assignment done.
7. 近期壓力大的是 : 学业 。。
8. 未來想做什麼啊 : Hope I can have my own activity that organized by myself... hehe
9. 有沒有喜歡的人 : Of course got... cuz i love everyone...^^
10. 同學會要回去找老師嗎 : Maybe...
11. 跟誰出去最幸福 : The one i like, the one i love... friends that can play together...
12. 如果你的兩個好友吵架了 :Try to advice them... but depend on what happen if the matters is about love i will try not to involve it cuz... love is too complicated.
13. 跟情人出去最想去哪 : Of course the place v like the most...
14. 聖誕節要做啥 : I wanna go to europe there to join the christmas party^^
15. 最想跟誰過聖誕節 : Family, friends, the love one...hehe either one...
16. 有沒有起床气 : .....
17. 有幾個兄弟姐妹 : one youger bro..
18. 最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) :Singing on the top of the tree (claire guo jing)
19. 最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) :Shuo shuo- Bang bang tang
20. 喜歡什麼顏色 : the sharp color that match me...
21. 上廁所會不會先沖水 : Depends on the cleanliness....
22. 愛不愛我 : Of course...
23. 喜歡男生還是女生 :Which type of likes worr??!
24. 最想大聲說什麼 :Wo Hen Xing Fu...
25. 半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : Why not...?!
26. 上廁所會不會脫褲褲 :Stupid Q>.<:
27. 誰很欠打 : Someone... someone... hiak hiak...
28. 現在很迷什麼 :watching dramma... nonstop...
29. 睡相很差 : i dont think so... wuahhahaha...
30. 現在的時間 : 3:49pm
31. 是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : ....
32. 今天天氣 : Now quite hot d ... but feel like wanna rain ady...
33. 你懷孕了嗎 : I m just 20 n i m single now!!! wuaahhaha....
34. 你若中樂透最想做什么 :share v family...
35. 大學生一定要玩的活動 : go to trip together... play together... ... alot n alot thing can do ...
36. 你想你的“白马王子”会是怎样的人: the one who love me also. the one who understand me.. the one who will care me so much...
1. Sherry
2. Black
3. Heng Leng
4. Hui Thing
5. Yuen Lin
6. Pei Ling
7. Gywen Goh
8. Wei Khiang
9. Yong Yee
10. Hellen Goh
1. 4號認識6號嗎 : yup...
2. 10號是男還是女 : Gal...
3. 8號的興趣是 : er...... sei lorr.... i not really noe...
4. 1號有沒有兄弟姐妹 : got...
5. 7號姓氏 : Goh
6. 10號人緣好嗎 : gOod...
7. 4號有人追嗎 : Got gua... i dunno ler... ask her ask her...
8. 承上2號呢 : .... ?!
9. 6號喜歡的顏色是 : not really noe
10. 3號和10號是朋友嗎 : I dunno...
11. 8號的生日是 : 8月05日
12. 5號讀哪呢 : UTAR
13. 你怎麼認識10號的 : 大学时认识的..
14. 你跟1號的生日差幾個月 : one year... gua...
15. 你和9號有出去玩過嗎 : got...
16. 你喜歡和2號聊天嗎 : heheh....^^
17. 你喜歡和3號在一起嗎 : hehehe....^^
18. 你覺得7號人怎樣 : She got her own style... coOl...
19. 你覺得9號人怎麼樣 : erm... friendly girl...
20. 你愛5號嗎 : muacks....
是誰傳給你這份問卷的 :Yen Ern aka. Snoopy aka. Housemate aka. BesFren
-你們認識多久呢 :2 n half yuears like tat...
-你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : of course important lerr....
-你與他(她)的關係是 : a true friend ever...
-請問他(她)的興趣是 : online currently...
-你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : Alot of feeling in her heart but she seldom say out..
-他(她)在你心目中是幾分 (10分) : 9.9分
-睡覺前第一件事 : Wanna wish someone good nite and sweet dreamx...
-起床前第一件事 : Dont feel wanna wake up ler...
-你喜歡的季節 : Hope to feel autumn... from the picture.. in the real i dunno...
-你打工過嗎 : got...
-打工次數 :once...
-你想去的國家 : Venice... Europe...Taiwan... Disneyland.... French.. Warsaw...
-你常笑嗎 :sometimes... depends on situation n my mood...
-去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 : nope....
-是假日時你都睡到幾點 : as late as possible..
-今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰):晴...
-朋友和情人你會選擇 : 2...
-機會和命運你會選擇 : chances...
-這問卷多不多 : alot lar...!
-要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一點 :watch some comedy... entertainment show...
-喜欢吃什么 : chocolate... slurps.... durian....
-喜歡吃冰嗎 : love... i wanna go to shark.!!!
-現在幸福嗎 : 幸福.. of course...
-最在乎哪幾個朋友 :all i will care
-房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 : bed n laptop... n my fat fat pillow...
-最常夢到什麼 : many things...
-男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : depend on the situation ....
-你认为人生的意义是什么 : Noe the meanings of the life... care yourself care others... noe the values of evrything n evryone...
-你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!) : Har?!
-什么时候最讨厌我 : ...
-向往出世抑或入世 : ....
-你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : Chocolate+banana... cheese cake...
-请问这个游戏可以停止了吗 : stop le lar...
-喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^?: long time no eat deeeeee.....
-谁是你的知己? : someone in my heart dunwan tell u ...
-IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : both of it also low wuahhaha...
-電腦还是手機? : 2 things can?
-比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : play first... if tired den sleep first.
-Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : facebook lar...
-现在最希望什么? : Final result at least 3.0 and... lalala...
-是否喜欢学业? : sienz lar...
-会向喜欢的人表白吗? : .... y i wanna tell u worr... blueks...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Novel H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) and You
Novel H1N1 Flu
What is novel H1N1 (swine flu)?
Novel H1N1 (referred to as “swine flu” early on) is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. This virus is spreading from person-to-person worldwide, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) signaled that a pandemic of novel H1N1 flu was underway.
Why is novel H1N1 virus sometimes called “swine flu”?
This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs (swine) in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and bird (avian) genes and human genes. Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant" virus.
Novel H1N1 Flu in Humans
Are there human infections with novel H1N1 virus in the U.S.?
Yes. Human infections with the new H1N1 virus are ongoing in the United States. Most people who have become ill with this new virus have recovered without requiring medical treatment.
CDC routinely works with states to collect, compile and analyze information about influenza, and has done the same for the new H1N1 virus since the beginning of the outbreak. This information is presented in a weekly report, called FluView.
Is novel H1N1 virus contagious?
CDC has determined that novel H1N1 virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human.
How does novel H1N1 virus spread?
Spread of novel H1N1 virus is thought to occur in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
What are the signs and symptoms of this virus in people?
The symptoms of novel H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. Severe illnesses and death has occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.
How severe is illness associated with novel H1N1 flu virus?
Illness with the new H1N1 virus has ranged from mild to severe. While most people who have been sick have recovered without needing medical treatment, hospitalizations and deaths from infection with this virus have occurred.
In seasonal flu, certain people are at “high risk” of serious complications. This includes people 65 years and older, children younger than five years old, pregnant women, and people of any age with certain chronic medical conditions. About 70 percent of people who have been hospitalized with this novel H1N1 virus have had one or more medical conditions previously recognized as placing people at “high risk” of serious seasonal flu-related complications. This includes pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease.
One thing that appears to be different from seasonal influenza is that adults older than 64 years do not yet appear to be at increased risk of novel H1N1-related complications thus far. CDC laboratory studies have shown that children and few adults younger than 60 years old do not have existing antibody to novel H1N1 flu virus; however, about one-third of adults older than 60 may have antibodies against this virus. It is unknown how much, if any, protection may be afforded against novel H1N1 flu by any existing antibody.
How does novel H1N1 flu compare to seasonal flu in terms of its severity and infection rates?
With seasonal flu, we know that seasons vary in terms of timing, duration and severity. Seasonal influenza can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Each year, in the United States, on average 36,000 people die from flu-related complications and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related causes. Of those hospitalized, 20,000 are children younger than 5 years old. Over 90% of deaths and about 60 percent of hospitalization occur in people older than 65.
When the novel H1N1 outbreak was first detected in mid-April 2009, CDC began working with states to collect, compile and analyze information regarding the novel H1N1 flu outbreak, including the numbers of confirmed and probable cases and the ages of these people. The information analyzed by CDC supports the conclusion that novel H1N1 flu has caused greater disease burden in people younger than 25 years of age than older people. At this time, there are few cases and few deaths reported in people older than 64 years old, which is unusual when compared with seasonal flu. However, pregnancy and other previously recognized high risk medical conditions from seasonal influenza appear to be associated with increased risk of complications from this novel H1N1. These underlying conditions include asthma, diabetes, suppressed immune systems, heart disease, kidney disease, neurocognitive and neuromuscular disorders and pregnancy.
How long can an infected person spread this virus to others?
People infected with seasonal and novel H1N1 flu shed virus and may be able to infect others from 1 day before getting sick to 5 to 7 days after. This can be longer in some people, especially children and people with weakened immune systems and in people infected with the new H1N1 virus.
Prevention & Treatment
What can I do to protect myself from getting sick?
There is no vaccine available right now to protect against novel H1N1 virus. However, a novel H1N1 vaccine is currently in production and may be ready for the public in the fall. As always, a vaccine will be available to protect against seasonal influenza
There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza.
Take these everyday steps to protect your health:
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners* are also effective.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
- If you are sick with flu-like illness, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) Keep away from others as much as possible to keep from making others sick.
Other important actions that you can take are:
- Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
- Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home for a week or so; a supply of over-the-counter medicines, alcohol-based hand rubs,* tissues and other related items might could be useful and help avoid the need to make trips out in public while you are sick and contagious
What is the best way to keep from spreading the virus through coughing or sneezing?
If you are sick with flu-like illness, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)
Keep away from others as much as possible. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Put your used tissue in the waste basket. Then, clean your hands, and do so every time you cough or sneeze.
If I have a family member at home who is sick with novel H1N1 flu, should I go to work?
Employees who are well but who have an ill family member at home with novel H1N1 flu can go to work as usual. These employees should monitor their health every day, and take everyday precautions including washing their hands often with soap and water, especially after they cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.* If they become ill, they should notify their supervisor and stay home. Employees who have an underlying medical condition or who are pregnant should call their health care provider for advice, because they might need to receive influenza antiviral drugs to prevent illness. For more information please see General Business and Workplace Guidance for the Prevention of Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Flu in Workers.
What is the best technique for washing my hands to avoid getting the flu?
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. Wash with soap and water or clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner*. CDC recommends that when you wash your hands -- with soap and warm water -- that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds. When soap and water are not available, alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may be used. You can find them in most supermarkets and drugstores. If using gel, rub your hands until the gel is dry. The gel doesn't need water to work; the alcohol in it kills the germs on your hands.
What should I do if I get sick?
If you live in areas where people have been identified with novel H1N1 flu and become ill with influenza-like symptoms, including fever, body aches, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, nausea, or vomiting or diarrhea, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people. CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) Stay away from others as much as possible to keep from making others sick.Staying at home means that you should not leave your home except to seek medical care. This means avoiding normal activities, including work, school, travel, shopping, social events, and public gatherings.
If you have severe illness or you are at high risk for flu complications, contact your health care provider or seek medical care. Your health care provider will determine whether flu testing or treatment is needed.
If you become ill and experience any of the following warning signs, seek emergency medical care.
In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
- Fast breathing or trouble breathing
- Bluish or gray skin color
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Severe or persistent vomiting
- Not waking up or not interacting
- Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
- Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
- Sudden dizziness
- Confusion
- Severe or persistent vomiting
- Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Are there medicines to treat novel H1N1 infection?
Yes. CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with novel H1N1 flu virus. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaled powder) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. During the current pandemic, the priority use for influenza antiviral drugs during is to treat severe influenza illness (for example hospitalized patients) and people who are sick who have a condition that places them at high risk for serious flu-related complications.
What is CDC’s recommendation regarding "swine flu parties"?
"Swine flu parties" are gatherings during which people have close contact with a person who has novel H1N1 flu in order to become infected with the virus. The intent of these parties is for a person to become infected with what for many people has been a mild disease, in the hope of having natural immunity novel H1N1 flu virus that might circulate later and cause more severe disease.
CDC does not recommend "swine flu parties" as a way to protect against novel H1N1 flu in the future. While the disease seen in the current novel H1N1 flu outbreak has been mild for many people, it has been severe and even fatal for others. There is no way to predict with certainty what the outcome will be for an individual or, equally important, for others to whom the intentionally infected person may spread the virus.
CDC recommends that people with novel H1N1 flu avoid contact with others as much as possible. If you are sick with flu-like illness, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) Stay away from others as much as possible to keep from making others sick.
Contamination & Cleaning
How long can influenza virus remain viable on objects (such as books and doorknobs)?
Studies have shown that influenza virus can survive on environmental surfaces and can infect a person for 2 to 8 hours after being deposited on the surface.
What kills influenza virus?
Influenza virus is destroyed by heat (167-212°F [75-100°C]). In addition, several chemical germicides, including chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, detergents (soap), iodophors (iodine-based antiseptics), and alcohols are effective against human influenza viruses if used in proper concentration for a sufficient length of time. For example, wipes or gels with alcohol in them can be used to clean hands. The gels should be rubbed into hands until they are dry.
*What if soap and water are not available and alcohol-based products are not allowed in my facility?
Though the scientific evidence is not as extensive as that on hand washing and alcohol-based sanitizers, other hand sanitizers that do not contain alcohol may be useful for killing flu germs on hands.
What surfaces are most likely to be sources of contamination?
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. Droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person move through the air. Germs can be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets from another person on a surface like a desk, for example, and then touches their own eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands.
How should waste disposal be handled to prevent the spread of influenza virus?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus, it is recommended that tissues and other disposable items used by an infected person be thrown in the trash. Additionally, persons should wash their hands with soap and water after touching used tissues and similar waste.
What household cleaning should be done to prevent the spread of influenza virus?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus it is important to keep surfaces (especially bedside tables, surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen counters and toys for children) clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product label.
How should linens, eating utensils and dishes of persons infected with influenza virus be handled?
Linens, eating utensils, and dishes belonging to those who are sick do not need to be cleaned separately, but importantly these items should not be shared without washing thoroughly first.
Linens (such as bed sheets and towels) should be washed by using household laundry soap and tumbled dry on a hot setting. Individuals should avoid “hugging” laundry prior to washing it to prevent contaminating themselves. Individuals should wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub immediately after handling dirty laundry.
Eating utensils should be washed either in a dishwasher or by hand with water and soap.
Exposures Not Thought to Spread Novel H1N1 Flu
Can I get infected with novel H1N1 virus from eating or preparing pork?
No. Novel H1N1 viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get infected with novel HIN1 virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe.
Is there a risk from drinking water?
Tap water that has been treated by conventional disinfection processes does not likely pose a risk for transmission of influenza viruses. Current drinking water treatment regulations provide a high degree of protection from viruses. No research has been completed on the susceptibility of novel H1N1 flu virus to conventional drinking water treatment processes. However, recent studies have demonstrated that free chlorine levels typically used in drinking water treatment are adequate to inactivate highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. It is likely that other influenza viruses such as novel H1N1 would also be similarly inactivated by chlorination. To date, there have been no documented human cases of influenza caused by exposure to influenza-contaminated drinking water.
Can novel H1N1 flu virus be spread through water in swimming pools, spas, water parks, interactive fountains, and other treated recreational water venues?
Influenza viruses infect the human upper respiratory tract. There has never been a documented case of influenza virus infection associated with water exposure. Recreational water that has been treated at CDC recommended disinfectant levels does not likely pose a risk for transmission of influenza viruses. No research has been completed on the susceptibility of novel H1N1 influenza virus to chlorine and other disinfectants used in swimming pools, spas, water parks, interactive fountains, and other treated recreational venues. However, recent studies have demonstrated that free chlorine levels recommended by CDC (1–3 parts per million [ppm or mg/L] for pools and 2–5 ppm for spas) are adequate to disinfect avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. It is likely that other influenza viruses such as novel H1N1 virus would also be similarly disinfected by chlorine.
Can novel H1N1 influenza virus be spread at recreational water venues outside of the water?
Yes, recreational water venues are no different than any other group setting. The spread of this novel H1N1 flu is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
Note: Much of the information in this document is based on studies and past experience with seasonal (human) influenza. CDC believes the information applies to novel H1N1 (swine) viruses as well, but studies on this virus are ongoing to learn more about its characteristics. This document will be updated as new information becomes available.
For general information about influenza in pigs (not novel H1N1 flu) see Background Information on Influenza in Pigs.
- Links to non-federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the federal government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.
Friday, August 7, 2009
l0vely drinks.
Lemon tea. My favourite hot drink beside hot chocolate.
Whoa.... this one... Chocolate banana smo0thies.
Sell in UTAR for only one week.
Sell by science student from .... society...
p/s: sorry i really dunno >.<'. Yummy it is really nice. Buy it on 30 July 2009.
First cup smo0thies....
29 July 2009 bought it.
Thx ah Mah to help me buy it.
Make you wait there so long for a cup of smo0thies...
p/s: paiseh ar ah Mah...
The days in Week 10.
The time flies so fast,
Come to week 10 of one semester already.
I am still thinking that the mid term test just passed.
So, is the time to relax myself...
Enjoy every second if the days.
I should start something already.
I really need to put on more effort on this semester.
Cuz last sem's result is really bad. Unexpected result.
But, what to do?
Actually, I don't want to have the same feeling already.
The result released... this time i should be happy with it.
The only things i can do before the final is...
and then i wont be regret when the result released.
Put aside first all the study stuff...
Let's go into my week 10 life first.
What a wonderful week that had a lots of feelings inside.
Happy... Disappointed... Boring... Sense of accomplishment... whoa... a lots...
First of all...
Sunday... Monday...
Busy with my Entrepreneurship assignment..
2.25pm 04, August, 2009. I done my assignment.
Sent to Bernard and wait him to help me edit.
*My english is too poor... I think he needs a lots of time.*
The time i printed out the assignment...
the sense of accomplishment ... fill up my mind.
Cool.. I can't believe that i can done an assignment.
Thx my groupmate to give me the chance.
But it is really stressful and cause me suffer for headache... painful body and like a sick bird.
everything already after. Enjoy a lots^^
English presentation. oh gosh... i prepared it last minute.. i tought that i cant done it without worry.. But i m wrong.
I totally wrong....
Disappointed with my presentation.
This time taught me a lesson.
- Don't put aside some work n concentrate only one.
Oh no!!
Thursday... When i woke up that morning, my face......
It is not look alike me...
Why my face look like a bun...
Only one side...
I am searching for friend to fetch me to dental clinic...
but search. . . and search. . . Rachel... fetch me out.
All closed... Even the hospital also closed...
Sob... Sob....
I went home... Have a bowl of porridge with some soy sauce.
I slept... I think that I need rest..
But, when i wake i feel that it is really painful.
I wanna cry at that moment.
Cuz is too painful already.
i tried to sms my friends to fetch me .
No one free...
Nevermind. I call for taxi to dental clinic.
Luckily I am the last patient.
Oh no, my tooth... this time is serious matter..
huhuz... but anyway... luckily everything after... and i m still okay with it.
Now, i need to eat my meal as slow as i can.
Cuz the gums already swollen... painful *_*
Tomorrow, Saturday...
Have a soft skills course.. - Youth Entrepreneur.
Quite interested with this program.
Hope i can enjoy it well tomorrow...^^
Friday, July 31, 2009
First Post....
Because another blog is too complicated and I am lazy to use it again.
I need a lot of time to sign in and then consume a lot of time to upload a photo.
Finally, all mid term test were past.
But, I still have another stuff to done it - Entrepreneurship Assignment.
This time one-man show. It is quite difficult but i can learn. I can learn a lot of things.
Today is the last day of July.
Last few weeks, I went to Ipoh and i get the coupon for Pizza Hut.
Me, Ern n my friends went to Pizza Hut have our dinner..
We tasted the Mediterranean set.
First time to taste oyster.
Oh my dear...
The spaghetti is in the set one..
That one is my oyster.
I just eat half only.
I scare the smell..
Finally... I finished my half piece and another half.. I give it to Ern...
I am really very sleepy today..
Cuz i just slept for 5 hours in Tuesday nite.
5 hours in Wednesday nite.
And 10 hours in Thursday nite.
Now...My head...
Anyway... Today is a happy day.
Although i really don't know how to do the test.
Thx my class rep... NICOLE^^